- Southwark Park
- London SE16 2UA
- United Kingdom
Please come to this Friday's Jazz concert at St. Augustine Church where my sculpture Inner Reflection - male & female is exhibited. I will be there.
Please click here to see a film.
St Augustine's Summer Festival (25th to 27th June)
There will be concerts on Friday (25th) and Saturday (26th) evenings and on Sunday afternoon. The concert on Friday evening will be Jazz, on Saturday evening the Elm singers are offering an evening of music for a summer evening including madrigals and on Sunday afternoon there will be a concert of chamber music.
On Saturday 26th June there will be a summer fair with opportunities for local craftspeople to hire a
able and sell their art works.
26/06/10 - 10.00am - 5pm St Augustine's Summer Fair
Craft stalls, antiques valuations, refreshments, books and more.
'Take A Pew' show 10.30am to 5pm
Evening concert for a summer evening. 7.30pm The Elm Singers
27/06/10 - Sunday Worship
'Take A Pew' show 12noon to 5pm
3pm - Chamber concert with contributions by talented local
musicians and actors
The sculpture 2 is 1 is androgynous. Depending on the point of view it could be perceived as either male or female. Even though true hermaphroditic humans do not exist, Désirée believes that regardless of our biological reality we have both masculine and feminine qualities.
Through understanding and awareness we can synthesize our double nature and thus undergo a process of inner alchemy turning ourselves into gold.